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Wednesday 1 August 2012

Blogger gets deeper integration with Google+

Google has further strengthened the integration between Blogger and its Google+ social network, allowing users to make Blogger even more social media friendly and letting them tap into the growing Google+ community.
The search giant has added  a new “Google+” tab in the Blogger dashboard, that provides users with a central place to start growing their blog with Google+.
Blogger users can now connect their blog to their Google+ profile (provided the blog is under the same name, as the Google+ profile). Users can also connect their blog to the Google+ page of their brand, business or organization.
Adding the Google+ gadget to your blog makes it easy for people to add your profile or page to their circles, get notifications on new posts being published and recommend content to their Google+ network.
Every time you post on your blog, you will see a Google+ share box to notify followers that you have a new blog content.If they like what you share, followers can +1 or reshare your post to their own friends on Google+. This ripple effect exposes links to your content to a wider audience.
To get started with the new Google+ features on Blogger, click the “Google+” tab in the Blogger dashboard and then the “Upgrade” button.


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