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Thursday 16 August 2012

Follow TV Trending Topics on iPad

Boxfish iPad App: Free
Remember the days of flipping through channels to find out who was talking about what? For me, fervently hitting the recall button on the remote to watch two shows at the same time was almost a game to see how good my commercial-avoiding skills were. Programming menus from Verizon Viewdini and Xfinity have made those times a distant memory. Now you can add the Boxfish iPad App to the list.
If TV guide and Twitter made a programming baby, Boxfish made be it. It surfs through the closed captioning of 3,600 TV stations and creates a live feed of what's being said. The stream of data is constantly updated, ranging from sports to business, celebrity gossip and news. Users can save their favorite channels to make checking what’s being broadcasted easier.
The app and Boxfish's website even lets users search for any word being said on television in real-time. Like Twitter, trending topics are posted and updated by tallying how many times the topics are mentioned on each channel. Right now, trending topics include “drought,” “Microsoft,” and “Tebow” (Really, Tebow??). The app can be synced with TiVo as well as DirectTV for easy channel changing directly from iPad. For channel surfing aficionados, the app is currently free in the iTunes store with an iPhone version coming soon.
via Gigaom


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