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Monday 13 August 2012

Google Gives Glimpse into Augmented-Reality Glasses (Video)

Image: Google
More details about Google’s Project Glass, an augmented-reality heads-up display, are surfacing online.
Google Plus post on Wednesday showed the first design photos and a video that demonstrates the goggles’ potential capabilities. The video, below, chronicles a day in the life of a man in New York City who chats with friends, navigates the city, snaps photos and video chats — all from his augmented-reality glasses.
These glasses, which Google will begin testing publicly, don’t have the look of traditional eyewear. They’re composed of a band and a small screen that sits in front of the right eye.
The New York Times notes that “Project Glass could hypothetically become Project Contact Lens.” A University of Washington profession specializing in bionanotechnology has built a contact lens with embedded electronics capable of displaying pixels to the human eye.

Image: Google
Image: Google


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