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Friday 10 August 2012

Google launches more visual mobile search results for flights, conversions, definitions and more

If you see a more pleasant and visually appealing interface when you Google search for flight information on your phone or tablet, don’t be surprised. The company hasannounced a visual refresh to searches for common bits of information on mobile today.
The list of items that will get the new look include finance, currency conversion, unit conversion, dictionary definitions, local time lookup, and holiday and sunrise time results, as well as flights.
This follows up the new weather and calculator widgets it has recently launched. The look is exemplified in the new flight calculator shown below, which includes a visual of the flight’s progress.
flight status quick answer Google launches more visual mobile search results for flights, conversions, definitions and more
The revamp is designed to make the information easier to see at a glance and to allow for quicker interactive changes to data points like the units being converted. That’s smart because all of the items listed above are things that you might search for on the fly and need answers to succinctly and prominently, with a minimum of additional information or interface chrome. Think: ‘I’m in a hurry, just give me the information I need’.
The changes are rolling out now to English users on mobile but Google says they’re coming to international users as well.


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