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Thursday 9 August 2012

Google’s latest version of Android operating system...

Google’s latest version of Android operating system, Jelly Bean, is coming to more and more devices (at least it is rumored) – and users are actually looking forward to its rollout. Samsung galaxy SII, SIII and Note 1 and 2 can sigh a relief because rumor has it that Android 4.1 jelly bean is in advanced development and updates may be rolled out in the last quarter of this year. Since the last quarter of the year is just a few weeks away, this is something to get excited about.


According to Samsung, the Galaxy SIII Jelly Bean operating system tests have passed through the firmware tests and is currently awaiting a few things including a ‘public version of software agreement’ from Google. There have been no issues in the testing of the SII and Galaxy note Jelly bean so far but they went ahead and said that in case they change their minds on the update, they may roll out a ‘value pack’. There is no cause for worry on this issue now though cons
idering that the SIII and the Galaxy Note 2 are still the hottest items in the Android market at the moment.

The SII and galaxy note too still outsell even some of the more recent devices with competing specs from Samsung’s competitors. It would be such a disappointment should Samsung decide to roll out a ‘value pack’ as this is nothing but a pile insignificant apps and tools for users who are hoping to see a real update. What I am certain is that if Samsung pulls the ‘value pack’ shortcut on its devout users, it will make a whole lot of unhappy customers and this will work against them in the future.

So, there you have it. The updates may be coming after all, are you a Galaxy user? If so, are you looking forward to the roll out? Let us know in the comments section below.


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