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Friday 10 August 2012

Microsoft Contest Offers Windows Phones To Developers And Students For Making Apps...!!!

Windows Phone 8 will release later this year, so it doesn't come as a surprise that Microsoft wants to do everything in its power to make sure that its Marketplace has more apps up and running by that time. Going by the success of last year's programme, the software giant has once again launched its "i unlock joy"programme, a contest that lets students and professionals in India develop applications for the Windows Phone platform and showcase their creativity. As an incentive, participants will also get to win a spanking new Windows Phone for future testing of apps. The programme is already underway and the deadline to submit apps is 31st October.

Technology professionals can participate in the Developers category. To do so, log onto the mentioned URL and register for this programme in addition to registering on the Windows Phone Dev Center. You can then download the Windows Phone SDK, create apps, get them certified, and publish them on the Marketplace before the deadline to claim eligibility.
You can participate in the Student category if you are 18 years or older, have been actively enrolled as a student with an accredited educational institution, and are a registered member of Microsoft DreamSpark for students. Just visit the contest URL, click on the student tile, register for the programme, register for Windows Phone Dev Center through DreamSpark, download Windows Phone SDK, and follow the same procedure as the developers. Additionally, you can fill in the Claim Goodies form by the due date for some cool goodies such as a Windows Phone, complimentary passes to Microsoft TechEd, and an E-Certificate of acknowledgment from Microsoft.
Participants in the Developer as well as Student categories who've had their Windows Phone apps certified and published before the deadline are eligible to have their work nominated under the Top 50 category, which will be decided by Microsoft. These selected participants will be given a brand new Windows Phone. There are early bird prizes in each category as well, for those who have at least three certified apps on the Marketplace. The first 100 early bird developers will each receive a Windows Phone, the next 100 will receive a reward voucher worth Rs 5000 each, while the next 50 will receive a complimentary pass to MS TechEd.
The first 100 early bird participants in the students category will also receive a Windows Phone each, while the next 25 will get a complimentary pass to MS TechEd. Additionally, the company will also provide an E-Certificate to all participants who submit at least one new Windows Phone app and get it certified. So what are you waiting for? Head over right to the contest page and get cracking. Good luck!


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