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Monday 13 August 2012

Playing Angry Birds with a Real SlingshotIf ... :)

angry birds slingshot

If the idea of shooting varying types of birds to destroy buildings and kill pigs seems a bit too unreal to you, then rest easy knowing you’re one step closer to the real deal.
The Angry Birds slingshot is a USB controller that works with PC versions of the game, which by the way, sucks up about 300 million minutes each day. The mbed microcontroller uses an accelerometer and rubber stretch sensor to read the angle and force of the slingshot, translating them to mouse movements. Since the slingshot was designed to replicate a mouse, Gizmodo ponders that “it could in theory work with other software, making applications like Excel and Word a heck of a lot funner to use.”
Expense reports have never been more fun.

angry birds slingshot
Image: mbed
angry birds slingshot
Image: mbed
angry birds slingshot
Image: mbed
angry birds slingshot
Image: mbed


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