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Thursday 9 August 2012

The search giant announced Wednesday it is beta-testing a new feature

The search giant announced Wednesday it is beta-testing a new feature — one that will show results from your Gmail when you search in Google; the results will appear in a separate box down the right-hand side.

Want to sign up? Click here. The first million sign-ups will see Gmail results on their search pages, rolling out over the next week or so.

The trial represents a massive increase in the amount of data Google is searching — a doubling, in fact. “The total Gmail data is about the same size as our search corpus,” says Google’s Sagar Kamdar, Director of Product Management for ‘Universal Search.’

And if your co-workers are looking over your shoulder and you don’t want to display your Gmail search results? That’s fine. Google has added a button above the test area, marked “hide personal results.”

This is what your results will look like:


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