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Thursday 2 August 2012

Energy EGG...! Smart Energy Saver ..!!!

What it does

The energyEGG works with the control adaptor (included) to turn off unused appliances. When it detects that the room is empty, the energyEGG sends a signal to the adaptor which shuts off the power running through it. Anything connected to the adaptor is therefore also switched off. Really simple idea, really effective energy saver.

SitStill sensor

The energyEGG has a unique smart occupancy sensor, called a SitStill sensor, that can tell the difference between an empty room and one where an occupant is sitting still. This means that the energyEGG will never turn off your appliances when you’re still in the room. So you can settle down on the sofa and watch your favourite film in peace, knowing that there’s no danger of it cutting out halfway through.
 Time delay
The energyEGG has a timer on the bottom, which allows you to set a delay of between 5-30 minutes. The energyEGG will then wait for the room to be empty for the preset amount of time before turning anything off. So if you set it to five minutes, your energyEGG would wait for five minutes after you leave the room before switching things off.

Manual button

The energyEGG has one simple button on the top. This can be used to switch appliances on or off manually. To turn something on, simply press the button once. To turn something off, press and hold the button for a couple of seconds (This is a childproofing measure – you wouldn’t want your kids sporadically turning things off all the time!) Remember, the energyEGG will only turn devices ON manually – we designed it this way because nobody ever forgets to switch things on.


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